Ancient Japanese Sword Names

In 1939 it was officially named a japanese national treasure.
Ancient japanese sword names. According to legend amakuni and his son amakura who were responsible for making swords for the army asked the shinto gods for help after the emperor was upset that his warriors kept returning from war with broken swords. Amakuni yasutsuna was the first japanese swordsmith. The mystical ceremonial sword of japan. The tenka goken five best swords under heaven a group of five famous japanese swords.
Amakuni is considered the father of the samurai sword which makes the kogarasu maru the oldest samurai sword in japan. Located in in the foothills of tenri in nara prefecture japan this shrine is culturally significant for it houses several national treasures including a legendary sword known as the nanatsusaya no tachi or seven branched sword. The remaining historical records show that sometime in the early 8th century amakuni was employed by the emperor of japan to make new weapons for his soldiers. Chokutō 直刀 straight single edged sword developed somewhere in the 10th century without differential hardening or folding.
Dōjigiri ja slayer of shuten dōji 10th 12th century a national treasure of japan displayed at the tokyo national museum. Therefore blazing also called sword of the sunrise. It burns with blue fire in the presence of the dark. Swords are the most used melee weapons but they come in many different variations.
It is named eirias. A magical sword commissioned by the light crafted in the magical lost lands by the lost king. Tsurugi ken 剣 a straight two edged sword developed produced in 10th century without differential hardening or folding. He was the original designer of the single edge curved katana that we all know and love.
Jokoto ancient swords until around 900 a d koto old swords from around 900 1596 shinto new swords 1596 1780 shinshinto new new swords 1781 1876 gendaito modern swords 1876 1945 and shinsakuto newly made swords 1953 present. Ancient swords were also religious objects according to the 8th century chronicles nihon shoki and kojiki. In fact one of the imperial regalia of japan is a sword and swords have been discovered in ancient tumuli or handed down as treasures of shinto shrines or buddhist temples. The production of swords in japan is divided into specific time periods.
An inscription on the blade reveals the seven branched sword was given by the king crown prince of baekje an. Sword name generator. The following types of japanese weapons do exist. The isonokami shrine is a shinto shrine believed to have been built in 4 ad.
This name generator will give you 10 names fit for all kinds of swords ranging from short and longswords to claymores broadswords scimitars and more.