Early Medieval Swords From Mikulčice

Institute of archaeology of the academy of sciences of the czech republic v.
Early medieval swords from mikulčice. Early medieval swords from mikulčice studien zum burgwall von mikulčice x košta ji ří hošek jiří archeologický ústav av čr brno v v i. Early medieval swords from mikulčice pdf. The book written by jiří košta and jiří hošek represents an excellent description of 20 swords from continent europe of 9th and 10th century. Early medieval swords from mikulčice.
The grips of all the early medieval swords found in mikulčice are ranging from 8 5 cm to 10 6 cm in lenght. It contains brilliant archeolometallurgical analysis and dimensions. It emerged in the regions north of the middle danube in present day czech republic and slovakia following the fall of the avar khaganate in the early 9th century. 10 early medieval swords from mikulčice.
Early medieval swords from mikulčice. Get this from a library. Studien zum burgwall von mikulčice. The newest finding of the sword from mikulčice is not taken into consideration as it was not published yet.
The most featuring blatnica mikulčice finds are swords with exquisite decorations from graves of male warriors. Studien zum burgwall von mikulčice x. Scabbard fragments are included. Early medieval swords from mikulčice brno.
Isbn 9788086023588 10 665 599 1 2 ks. Pdf on nov 20 2017 jiří hošek and others published early medieval swords from mikulčice find read and cite all the research you need on researchgate. Spisy archeologického ústavu av čr brno svazek 42 isbn 978 80 86023 58 8. 130 the grip of the sword of the same petersen type from the grave n 265 from mikulčice is 9 4 cm long.
Praehistorica 34 2 2018 archeologické výzkumy v. 335 pages 149 figures.